Strategic Plan
Strategic. Planned. Delivered.
The Primary First Trust has a clear vision for its schools and an overall Strategic Plan that provides strong direction, intense focus and ultimately an effective mechanism for delivery. We use a number of metrics over a range of disciplines to chart progress. These include measures for academics, the number of schools and pupils in our Trust, and the familiar commercial optics around revenue and surpluses. In addition, we assess the strength of our culture through Net Promotor Scores for pupils, parents and staff. To move the dial in all these areas we have developed a number of strategies and supporting plans, each with key milestones, timelines and executive ownership.
First for Pupils
First Class - To deliver for our pupils our plans are focussed on embedding The PFT Education and The Pledge. We also celebrate the Pupil Voice with regular surveys and put Wellbeing front and centre of our provision. Learning environments are subject to programmed enhancements and we have a clear, three tiered approach to IT specifications in the classroom . And all our school provide great opportunities for extra-curricular and enrichment activities that truly inspire.
First for Parents
First Choice - Our customer experience approach places an extremely high value on parent satisfaction. With extensive wraparound and holiday cover, a strong commitment to engagement and sector-leading customer care, our schools actively build relationships with their parent body. We aim to improve the customer journey at each school and develop a Communications Charter as well as a clear Parent Education Programme.
First for Staff
First Choice - For our staff, our plans include the development of our own Terms & Conditions and an attractive benefits package. We roll out our unique Talent Management program so that we can provide bespoke CPD for all members of staff according to their aspirations, performance and potential.
Staff well being is a priority and we are investing to strengthen our culture in this respect. In addition, we will further refine our Career Development Planning process as a replacement for the traditional performance management system that we judge no longer fit for purpose.
First for Schools
Our Offer - We have developed a clear Service Level Agreement between the Trust and our partner schools. We are investigating a Trust-wide fundraising initiative as well as the adoption of a range of externally awarded quality marks to demonstrate the scope of our expertise beyond the Ofsted framework.
First for Communities
We work closely with our communities and our plans develop our estate and facilities community use program. We fundraise for exciting additions to school life and will continue to develop our community events and outreach programs.
First for Governance
Clarity. Connection. Impact - We expand our school development model to include compliance and operations in its 6-weekly cycle of continuous improvement. Best practice across the Trust and lessons learned are shared at Executive level and form the basis of clear, dashboard reporting to the Board. Greater Local Governor engagement on Board sub-committees and attendance at full Board meetings will strengthen the connectivity and joined up thinking across the organisation.
First for Growth
Our plans promote the filling of existing spaces where appropriate as well as an analysis of opportunities to expand, acquire, or start-up new schools on green or brownfield sites.