We believe in the power of culture to drive performance. Get the culture right and the work tends to take care of itself. The pathway to a happy, productive working environment is not always easy - hard truths sometimes need to be faced - but we have some key principles that help create the right environment for our people to flourish. We don't have layers of management and endless committees. Decision-making is brisk and based on the practical application of our core values - Adventure, Creativity and Excellence. We welcome openness and a 'no surprises' approach. This means challenges are dealt with early in a non-judgemental way. Our staff have a voice. And it gets listened to. We survey our staff annually to take the temperature of the organisation and to generate quick wins as well as longer term priorities. We report back using the 'You said - we did' model. We favour Career Development over Performance Management and encourage genuine two-way conversations about roles, responsibilities and making a difference. Together. We pride ourselves on 'Growing our Own' developing strong career pathways at all levels. As an organisation we constantly ask ourselves the question - will my proposal make a school better, worse, or stay the same? If it's the last two, we don't do it!